Earn more with Psychhelp.in
If you are interested in working online, Join us!! You decide the schedule and we will take care of the clients and billing.
Why work with us?
- Reliable income: Psychhelp can help you to increase your current income or a supplement as part time consultant.
- Focus on counselling: Working with us will make you focus on counselling and therapy while we take care of appointments, billing, and scheduling .
- Flexible working: You can work as part time or full time consultant.
You need to qualify the all the requirements suggested by RCI to be consultant psychologist.
Preferred Profile includes: Mphill in Psychology or Rehabilitation Psychology.
People with Masters degree in Psychology (Full time or distance) can also apply as assistant psychologist after completing Internship at a reputed institute.
Interested candidates can send their resume to connectpsychhelp@gmail.com
Cv must include full educational and training background with relevant experience.