How to manage Stress in 2021

Stress is a unique way to get sick. We all have been under stress in some way. But, during this pandemic, the level of stress we are in is increasing. But stress is sometimes good and manageable. Let us learn about stress and know how to manage it.

Today, we will learn

What is stress?

How stress effects our body? What are its psychological effects.

Stress is a unique way to get sick. It is the leading cause of diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, eating disorders, hormonal issues, low productivity, and poor performance in work, academics, and even SEX!!!

Stress is an evolutionary response to danger. This danger can be real or Psychosocial. But, our brain secretes the same hormones when we are either in real danger or a psychological one.

Life threthening situations of stress

Imagine you are a deer happily grazing in vast fields of Africa. You do not worry about tomorrow or have any stress upon grazing. Now suddenly an African lion starts chasing to hunt and kill you. You are now, in a situation to either run or get caught and killed. A flight or fight situation.

Lion chasing deer

Suddenly, you start running almost instantaneously. For this running, you need extra energy and focus. Here comes your autonomic nervous system where hormones like adrenalin are released from our adrenal glands. This response stops blood flow to the intestines, some parts of the brain, and other internal organs except for HEART. All the extra blood is pumped from the heart to the muscles. This chase last for less than 5 min. When u as a deer succeed in running, you do not have anything to worry about and return to graze happily.

This was life-threatening situation that required such a response from our brain and inter-system.

Psycho-Social situations of stress

Above we learned how our body reacts to a life-threatening situation. But, we Humans, are intelligent enough to create our own stressors. We constantly worry about money or pleasing our boss, which also triggers the release of adrenalin and other stress hormones. These Psychological Stress responses which we trigger constantly can cause early onset of diabetes, High blood pressure, low work productivity, and frequent brain fog.

To list out stress responses for chronic psychological stress
  • our blood glucose level rises,
  • our digestion stops,
  • our hair growth stops.
  • sperm production hinders,
  • Growth hormone is suppressed,
  • many of our cognitive abilities are paused,
  • pineal gland stops producing melatonin

Is stress completely bad?

No. Stress is nature’s way to respond to danger. Any human under stress will turn on the stress hormones. If this mechanism is not followed, one will be dead. But, when you are constantly, psychosocially stressed, like any modern working-class man, you are at a greater risk of developing diseases that will lead you to death.

Stress helps you accomplish your tasks and on time. In a short term will help us work hard for the exam or meet a deadline. Stress helps you in focusing on the task and motivates you to complete it. A moderate amount of stress will help you to work with caution in any dangerous situation.

How to manage stress?

Stress at a moderate level is manageable. But, as the saying goes “Even a correct decision is wrong when it’s too late”.

How to deal and cope with stress-inducing psycho-social situations.

Psychosocial methods of managing stress

We, humans, are social animals and make connections with everyone. We have many hierarchy levels. While we receive stress from different groups, we also seek support from other humans. We face stress at work but at home, we can maintain a stress-free environment. when it comes to understanding the importance of a stress-free life, our happiness and self-esteem come first.

We seek comfort from knowing our child has passed First grade, celebrate when we eat a good meal or have a good night’s sleep. we seek comfort when we have a long walk with our partner, by reading a book and listening to songs. These are some of the joys of life anyone can enjoy.

To manage stress, Japan has an extremely supportive social network. And we all know that, in Japan, life expectancy is high. With strong supportive networks, we are less likely to adopt ant addictive behavior like smoking or drinking.

What you can do?

Stress is an inevitable part of life, but you can improve the way you respond to stress and avoid or change some of the situations that create negative stress.

Stress is manageable.

Breathing Techniques: Try to breathe fully and exhale with counting in your mind 1…2…3….4…5…6….7. You can also hold your breath for 2–3 seconds. the focus should be on exhaling. Be mindful of exhaling, note how your stomach is lowering each exhale or notice how the air feels exhaling your nostrils.

Muscle relaxation: One can practice progressive muscle relaxation techniques. For beginners, any progressive muscle relaxation should be administered in person. But one can also watch an instructional video on YouTube to learn.

Along with these techniques, long walks, using ashwagandha laughing therapy, and many other techniques may work. One should note that these all techniques are just, although much needed, supportive care.

Further Reading


We have learned what is stress? Is stress completely bad? How it affects us and how to manage it. We learned about the biochemical reaction of stress, real-life threatening situations to stress, and Psychosocial situations which we create and lead to stress. How do support systems help Japan increase its life expectancy.

If you are or may doubt that you are suffering from stress, It is much advised that you check your stress levels and consult a Psychologist.

Check your stress levels here

Consult Psychologist here

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