Parenting styles

Parenting is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of a child. As we know everyone exhibits different types of personalities which is highly correlated to the different types of parenting styles. During the act of bringing up the child and teaching them all about life, some parents believe that strict parenting results in high academic performance and also plays a vital role in bringing up a well-behaved child.

Parents who are strict with their children often perceive themselves as disciplinarians and justify their choice of parenting style, their rules are often overly strict and arbitrary.

These parents don’t allow their children to voice their opinions or question the parent’s decision and they are more concerned about their high standards and expectations than their child’s well-being. Punishment is common in strict parenting. One of the classic examples of strict parenting is one-way communication,i.e from parent to child. These parents judge the effectiveness of their parenting by their children’s academic performance.

However research studies consistently show that strict child-raising actually results in unhappy children, and those children who suffer from depression, can express their feelings of neither happiness nor sadness because of too many rules, and such pressures can lead to sleep deprivation, eating disorders, anxiety, low self-esteem and children held onto secrets, hiding things.

Overly strict parenting causes antisocial behavior problems such as anger, aggression, and delinquency in children which later raise psychological issues making them either aggressive or submissive which has a tremendous impact on their overall personality which they carry throughout their lifetime. As the children learn what they live and what their parents model, these children learn to use force and power over others to get what they want.

All types of parents equally love their children and try to give their best in child-rearing and plan for a successful bright future, parenting is a combination of setting rules and at the same time value the independent thinking of their children. Effective parenting boosts a child’s self-esteem, psychological flexibility, and emotional regulation skills. Be consistent with your discipline, parents should consider children’s age and stage of development.

There is always a thin line between discipline and punishment, set smart limits , they may test the limits but the way you talk to your children becomes their inner voice. Choose your words carefully and be compassionate. Make a point of finding something to praise every time before correcting them or commenting on their mistakes, even when you don’t like their behavior. Make communication a priority. Be generous with rewards – your love, hugs, and compliments are often rewarded enough, showing that your love is unconditional.

The all-time ultimate parameter of effective parenting is when you are the first person whom your child is comfortable to share their success and failures, and seek your support during their hard-times whatever life throws at them.

A healthy balanced parenting styles raise happy souls and future humble human beings

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