More than 40% of people affected with covid-19 are to seeing the ill effects of LONG COVID. These post covid symptoms are not only affecting the physical health of the patients but also affecting them mentally.
- What is long covid and what are its symptoms?
- Who are more susceptible to it?
- How to recover faster from long covid?
After the moderate first wave and aggressive second wave, pandemic seem to be bought under control. But the effects of long covid continue to haunt patients especially the ones who have been treated with steroids.
Long covid is a word used to refer to the persistent symptoms that a patient experiences after recovering from covid-19. These symptoms vary from person to person and can be both physical and psychosomatic. The severity of these symptoms depends on the viral load of the infection and treatment methods.
- People severely affected with covid have been treated with steroids which can act as immunosuppressants.
- People have been under ventilator for days to weeks. People who have been put on ventilators will experience some degree of muscle loss and need weeks of rehabilitation to recover.
- Patients with some degree of lung damage are experiencing heart problems and clotting issues post recovery.
- In addition, people who has mild to moderate infection without need to hospital admission are experiencing this long covid symptoms of tiredness in responce to even minor work.
Furthermore, the fourth category of long covid patients are those experiencing severe to profound mental symptoms of fatigue, brain fog, heart palpitations, and restlessness.
How to check for long covid symptoms?
As of today, there is no test that defines the symptoms of long covid. Different studies and doctors have come to different conclusions about the diagnostic criteria of long covid.
An accepted criterion for long covid is having persistent symptoms of cognitive impairment (brain fog, memory loss), fatigue, breathlessness that affects everyday functioning. These symptoms must not be explained by any other alternative causes.
Who is more likely to get LONG COVID?
- Women are 30% more likely to get long covid than men.
- Between age group of 35-69
- People already experiencing work stress due to covid (healthcare workers)
What causes LONG COVID?
Not everyone who has experienced Covid-19 infection will get Long covid. Data suggests that 30%-40% of the covid infected get long covid. Doctors have concluded that people with high stress and high viral load during the infection who have been not given proper care during the course of treatment may get long covid. Causes have been identified in 3 broad categories:
- Persistent Viral Infection: People with high viral load experience extensive tissue damage. This causes changes in the immune system to attact your own body (autoantibodies).
- Body’s reaction to allergy: Some doctors have proposed that infection alters our body’s responce mechanism in identifying and treating any allergic reaction.
- Orthostatic intolerance: Scientists have proposed that coivid triggers orthostatic intolerance in which people experience low blood pressure upon standing.
Treatment for long covid
Treatment for long covid is symptom-oriented as we do not know, for certain, what is the cause of the disease.
Long covid patients are treated by psychologists and rehabilitation counselors. Treatment is based on the nature of illness and does not depend on past hospitalization due to covid.
Vital Psychological support: People with long covid have symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). People with Long covid have been healthy and suddenly they struggle to get their household works done. As of now, there are no special long covid clinics or treatments same as there is no specific treatment for covid-19.
Some people have found Yoga, Swimming to be beneficial in managing their post covid symptoms. Some require clinical assessment. But for most can be managed a certified psychologist consultation. Consultations for long covid require 3-5 sessions.
Managing key symptoms of long covid:
One major symptom of long covid is chronic fatigue syndrome(CFS) or myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). In CFS, people experience debilitating fatigue, muscle pains, and a high degree of difficulty in concentrating. People experiencing CFS must consult a psychologist who will plan their rehabilitation in due course of therapy.
Managing Mental Health:
If you have been experiencing symptoms of long covid, it is very likely to feel anxious. Psychological support is the key to treatment. Changes in job profile, working from home, fear of unemployment can cause loss of identity.
Remember, there is nothing wrong with you. The world is experiencing a pandemic and you are a part of it. There are millions who are in similar situations. If you find it difficult at times, speak to a listening friend or more helpful if you consult a psychologist who is trained in giving support.