Being intelligent & curious to learn things share one thing in common. They are both pain full.

By pain full I don’t mean the isolation from general crowd and lost in own thoughts, I don’t mean the impatience to know things fast enough, I don’t mean the ennui of tediously, long lectures or heavy books with tiny fonts in it, the expense of time for the pursuit of wisdom. Nor even your dedication to the endeavor could bring upon you.

The pain, the torment is the confusion. For the bigger the circle of the known, the greater the contact with unknown. The more firmly our unlearnt believes stand, the more helplessly our new identity totters.

After learning new things, after reading new books of different arena, and if you care enough, they become a part of you. And, this cultural schizophrenia can be truly excruciating.

This pain can not be just offset with the better chances of employment or simple pleasures of impressing your friends during break conversations with intriguing anecdotes of scientific, historical or political nature.

This pain, more importantly, as potentially excruciating the pain may seem, is for THOSE CURIOUS ENOUGH TO SEE THE WORLD AS IT IS…. and those brave enough to tear the veils of nonentity and hiding behind mediocrity.

Indeed the pursuit of knowledge is by definition a sort of masochism. But perhaps, by such pain we can over come misunderstandings, bridge cultures and find a world of prosperity and peace.

When u started reading a subject, u are so excited to learn new things. The more u keep learning, more things pop up which u don’t know. It never ends. What matters is that whatever you have learnt till now, are you able to do something useful out of it? Are you able to apply them to real life problems? So, find the problem that you face, and try solving them with the things you have learnt so far, and keep learning in that process