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Histrionic Personality Disorder

People with Histrionic personality disorder are usually seen as attention-seeking, have excessive emotionality and talk in a manner that is often taken as sexual or seductive. This disorder makes people uncomfortable in...

Schizotypal Personality Disorder

People with schizotypal personality disorder find it difficult to make any meaningful relationship, have reference ideas, and many cognitive distortions. They have odd magical beliefs, their thinking is much influenced by ideas...

Antisocial Personality Disorder

Signs and symptoms of antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) start as early as adolescence. It is a pattern of behavior where individuals do not follow any rules and do not respect other individuals....

Schizoid Personality Disorder

Therapy is affordable, Consult a psychologist today!! Overview Behavior pattern in which the individual is detached from social relationships has a restricted range of emotions. Individuals with Schizoid personality Disorder are often preferred to...

Paranoid Personality Disorder

Consult Psychologist Today Behavior that includes distrust and suspiciousness of others in their actions and motives. Such behavior becomes the prominent identity of the individual as early as early adulthood. Genetic factors like...

Adult Personality Disorders

Personality disorders that are clinically significant conditions and behavior patterns that tend to be persistent and are the expression of individuals' lifestyle and mode of relating to self and others.

4 Products that instantly reduce STRESS

Have you ever felt extremely stressful and sometimes you have busted out onto others? Worry not, here are 4 simple products that will definitely help you with your stress and reduce your...

How to manage Stress in 2021

Stress is a unique way to get sick. Responsible for diabetes and High BP, it can even effect SEXUAL performance.

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