Sirisha Merla

Expertise in :

Child psychology , development delay assessments, I.Q assessment , behavior modification, counseling in mental health and emotional well being, family therapy, adolescent parenting techniques.

Consulting Psychologist – Mother of two

I have Masters in psychology and I am pursuing Mphill (rehab). I have experience in treating children from Neo-Natal care to adolescents . I am certified in food and nutrition childcare course.
I have experience in Clinical assessment of children from my internship in NIEPID where I worked with children with intellectual disability, autism disorder, ADHD, learning disability, behavioral issues. Clinical internship at Dr. Jagadeesh( Neuro pediatrician) collaborated with Apollo hospitals. I speak Telugu, English.

Please pay the fee through Google-pay before the session starts for hassle free counselling sessions. Thank you.

CounsellingFee charged
Individual Counselling500
Family, Child-parent counselling750
Clinical Assessmentas per test
Session duration is 50min
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