Before understanding the effects of social/physical isolation on sleep, we need to know why we sleep.

Why we sleep

Sleep is a healing process that we go through every night. It not only repairs the physical body, but also heals our brain and neural connections. There is  proven evidence from over 17000 studies about how much sleep is important and its benefits. The benefits include increased everyday productivity to longevity.

Importance of sleep

Speaking in evolutionary terms, Sleep is a hindrance during which we can do anything. We lay down unconsciously for unproductive hours. During these hours we do not hunt, procreate or even may get killed. But the benefits of sleep are far greater and outcasts these downsides. Sleep refills all our neurochemicals which we use up during the day, which is most important in preventing malignancy. Read more

Medical recommendation of 7-8 hours of sleep is not a myth. It is indeed a true and proven fact. 

Suffering from mental distress? Consult psychologist today Click Here

Social / Physical isolation

Humans are social animals that require constant human connections. With the Covid19 pandemic, 90% of the population is spending 90% of their time indoors with strict restrictions from going out. Even when someone goes out, there are fears of infection that are constant. Even without any study yet, such lockdown has caused a significant portion of the population to suffer from loneliness and its effects, as social connections are basic human needs.

Covid-19 pandemic has caused significant economic, Socio-political and also psycho-social impact

With Social isolation, the risks of feeling of loneliness increases. Such loneliness causes by social isolation can cause health risks as much as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Combined with social isolation during this pandemic, we are in great fear of death, suffering economy, and for most, many of their dreams and aspiration are put off for or indefinitely. Social isolation is experienced by not only infected or suspected cases, but also a significant portion of population with strict lockdowns to curb spread of virus.

Nudge brain to sleepBehavioral nudge for sleep
Click here: Melatonin supplement
for easy sleep
Click here: Sleep mask nudge
for behavioral changes in sleep

Social isolation and effects on sleep

Uncertainty of the infection , Social lockdowns and financial burdens have put many under loneliness, boredom, panic attacks and insomnia. Social isolation causes

  • Increase in screen time
  • Addictive behavior
  • Stress and worry
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
Sleep deprivation and its effects

Our day time habits are what effects our sleep schedule and circadian rhythm.

Increase in screen time:

Social isolation in the pandemic has increased screen time for everyone at home. When deprived of any social interactions, social media seems like a good alternative. But the good looking demon had many short and long term effects. And these effects are all negative in nature.

Increase in addictive behavior

Social media applications and websites are made in such a way that they make people spend more and more time on it. Average screen time before and after pandemic has increased multifold. This addictive behavior rewires our cognitive and behavioral functions making the person being addictive to many such behaviors.

Stress and worry

Stress and worry take a big toll on our hormone regulation. Stress increases cortisol levels which makes our body in flight or fight mode. During the peak levels of cortisol, bodily functions like digestion, reproduction, growth and many neuro-transmitter productions gets to a halt. Body works on the flight or fight situation until the stressor is gone. But we humans create our own stressors and be in a constant state of stress.

Stress decreases the production MELATONIN, secreted in pineal gland of brain, responsible for regulation of circadian cycle and sleep.


Social isolation increases the chances of anxiety ,if not, definitely causing it. There are both physiological and psychological symptoms of anxiety.

Excess worry about any situation, results in sleepless nights. Anxiety causes sleep disorders and sleep disorders result in increase in anxiety. People suffering from anxiety lead a perpetual cycle of sleep disorders and increased anxiety until medically intervened. With stress and anxiety increasing causes mental arousal which decreases melatonin. Lack of sleep effects mood and increases irritability. Such emotional problems decrease productivity.


Constant feeling of loneliness, hopelessness, anxiety and fear of infection results in depression. Chronic insomnia effects everyday mood making the person sad, ineffective in everyday tasks, feeling tired all the time and thoughts of suicide when untreated. People with insomnia tend to have low levels of serotonin and are vulnerable to Depression.

Effects of anxiety and depression on sleep

Anxiety and depression are in a bidirectional relationship with sleep. Meaning insomnia causes anxiety and depression. And having depression or anxiety results in poor sleep.

Anxiety and depression can cause a person insomnia and sleep apnea(obstructive breathing during sleep). Both of which have detrimental effects on body. Anxiety and depression cause poor performance at schools, low productivity at work, decrease in libido, relationship problems and many a times suicidal attempts. Along with such emotional problems, people with anxiety and depression are at increased risk to many physiological effects such as cardio vascular diseases, high blood pressure, obesity etc.,

How to get a better sleep

If you are suffering from chronic insomnia, You need medical intervention. Please click here to consult psychologist today. 
Getting a better sleep isn’t easy. But these nudges can help you in getting a good sleep.

Using a sleep mask: Using a sleep mask like this one can help get a better sleep. This mask manages to deprive any visual input and also help us in not opening our eyes at small disturbances.

Using Melatonin: Melatonin is to be strictly used under medical supervision. One can also buy it here and experience a better sleep. Taking 3mg of melatonin before one hour of sleep can help in getting better sleep, reduce sleep apnea and tiredness in the morning.

Breathing techniques:

Meditation: One of the most basic and important techniques used for better sleep revolve around breathing patterns. Meditation is simple and effective way to practice breathing technique for beginners.

Progressive muscle relaxation technique: Stiff muscles caused by inactivity or anxiety can result in sleeplessness. One can try Jacobson muscle relaxation technique(JPMR). In JPMR one focuses on breath being inhaled and exhaled from the nostril and progressively makes the muscles tense and relax in synchronization with breathing pattern.

Decreasing screen time and increasing activity

The blue light from the screen causes our brain to believe that it is still daytime and thus decreases the production or melatonin. Mental arousal from watching videos and social media that excites us takes time to pacify. Watching screen before sleep can severely hinder sleep quality. Increasing activities, in the evening, like walking, skipping, burpees, weight training can make our body to get tired and help us sleep better.

To know more about sleep quality and its effects one can read book: Why We Sleep: The New Science of Sleep and Dreams

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